Unplug&AG ¹Ùº¸(Farewell To Our Twenties)
Yeah. Unplug & AG

This one`s for farewell to our twenties

You`ve made what I am and put me in my place

´öºÐ¿¡ I`m chapter two in my life. thanks.

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Life goes like this and a

Life goes like that and a

Life goes on Life still goes on

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Life goes like this and a

Life goes like that and a

Life goes on still goes on

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Life goes like this and a

Life goes like that and a

Life goes on Life still goes on

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Life goes like this and a

Life goes like that and a

Life goes on still goes on

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Life goes like this and a

Life goes like that and a

Life goes on Life still goes on

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Life goes like this and a

Life goes like that and a

Life goes on still goes on

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Yeah. Unplug & AG

This one`s for farewell to our twenties

You`ve made what I am and put me in my place

´öºÐ¿¡ I`m chapter three in my life. thanks.